Philip Copeman

Author and Activist

This is the remarkable tale of how a humble tribe of Beachwalkers conquers the World. Philip Copeman follows the history of Early man from his humble beginnings in Southern Africa, to the 6 Billion colossus that we are today. Written in an approachable and satirical style, Copeman holds no reverence for tribal and religious sensitivities and brings a fresh cutting edge approach to paleoanthropology. He holds no punches and storms into racial politics where others fear to tread.

Unlike other works on this subject, Philip Copeman invites Jews, Christians and Muslims into the scientific debate and he uses the Intelligent Design model of evolution to elaborate on the void that exists between Athiests and Abrahamists.

God’s First Fishermen focuses on the South African contribution of Human Origins. It follows the young science of paleoanthropology over the last 150 years and shows why the true story of Out of Africa carpensis has been suppressed by ethnocentric thinking that has tried in vain to start man in a Middle Eastern Garden of Eden or a European Ice Cave.

At Evolution’s Fairytale Ball, the clock has struck 12 and the pumpkin skin is already covering the carriage door. We are left with the reality of a single future for humanity and some unexpected conclusions about the origins of our species.

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Page 1

3rd February 1488. Bartholomew Diaz, the famous Portuguese
mariner and explorer, jumps out of his small landing boat into the surf
of Mossel Bay,1 South Africa. The first European to round Africa’s
southern tip wades onto the stretch of white sand which we know
today as Diaz Beach. The smell of shellfish, mussels and oysters,
which are abundant on this coastline, fills the air. Through the
shimmering heat of the distant sand dunes, a group of local
Beachwalkers2 shuffles towards the Portuguese landing party with an
energy-saving, half-run, half-walk peculiar to this “newly-discovered”
race. They are curious to meet the new people that the sea has just
spewed up onto the beach.
Diaz, an intrepid explorer, has sailed halfway around the world.
Expeditions by others over the previous ten years have failed to get
this far. Diaz, as the first person to round the Cape of Good Hope, the
sea route to India, is fully aware of the history of the moment. He is
filled with the majesty of his achievement and looks down on these
beach people with the arrogance reserved only for the colonial
aspirant. Looking at these small brown people, their bodies covered in
animal fat, entrails and ochre, like most Europeans of his time, he
feels a sense of revulsion. If Diaz knew better, he would get down on
his knees and worship his ancestors, the mothers of all modern


“Brilliant, Copeman is a 21st Century Genius”, Paleoanthropology Weekly.

“This is simply an offensive,unprofessional, inaccurate, biased, politically-inspired rendering of human origins. I would recommend that any serious student of Paleoanthropology has nothing to do with it.” Professor Tom Jones.

“This vile convulsion of Copeman’s ego, in which he places himself at the center of the search for human origins, is an affront to God, demeaning to women and vehemently racist.” Bishop Robert Gray.

“Philip,Thanks –a fantastic read-really enjoy your style! Do you mind if I send it on to my friends?” Bertrand Russel.

Table of Contents

Paleoanthropology grows up

God is an Englishman

Southern Apes and Madmen

East side Story

Neanderthal Brutes

African Eve

The Five Sons of Adam

The Garden of Eden

The Seventh Day

Famine in Paradise

God Forgives Us

The Prodigal Sons Return

The Second Coming



Web References

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DNA tells a very interesting tale. DNA can tell you your paternal line and your maternal line. When the Dutch came to Africa in 1650 - nearly 370 years they also brought very few women. The women they found in abundance in Africa and those women found them.

Thinking of DNA like paint or cocktail mixes is racist denial-ism. A few Haplotypes make you black and a few Haplotypes make you white. In little more that two gin and tonics and a pat on the ass you arrive nine months later, shaken not stirred

If two populations meet and there is 1% interbreeding, the percentage of each generation that is mixed race goes like this : 0%, 1%, 3%, 7%, 15%, 31% ....

Do you think that you are the only one that finds the exotic girl at the other end of the bar that doesn't remind you of your sister, attractive? The Dutch have been here for 12 Generations and the interracial attraction is a little greater than 1%. Do the math. The belief that South Africans are a Rainbow Nation or that there are even black or white people living here is simply racist thinking, brought on by 70 years of racists storytelling and Government Rule by both the NP and the ANC.

South Africans are a Nation of Mixed Race.

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