Philip Copeman

Author and Activist

Sold my Soul, Devil my Friend

For Piano Fiddle, Drums, Double Bass

© Philip Copeman 2016,

Creative Commons with Attribution

12 Bar blues (Blue Grass)

Lyrics Eb-Eb-Eb-Eb

Lyrics Ab-Eb

Drop Ab-Eb

Lyrics Bb-Ab

Turn Around Bb-Eb


I grew up in a mining town

Dusty and dirty, they worked underground


Clock off at 5 there was little to cheer

Hard Rock music and a cold cold beer


Play Boy Play Bay Strutt your stuff


Try as I might it was never enough.


Ab - dum-da,da da,da,da,da da,da,da,da dum-dum

Eb - da,da,da,da da,da,da,da dum-da,da da,da-dum


Sold my Soul

Devil my Friend


The Driving Sound

Of the Bottomless End


Ba - dum-dum Dum da3da3da Dum

Eb - dum-dum dum-da da3da3da Dum

One night as I played to an empty crowd,

A voice from the dark cried out aloud.

Come Boy, I'll make you a walking Bass Man

And me I'll be your greatest fan.”

So he picked up his fiddle and gave it a twirl,

I followed him out to till the end of the world.


Sold my Soul

Devil my Friend

For the Driving Sound

Of the Bottomless End


Can you play E Flat? Its the gutter of the blues.

Then keep in time with my two tone shoes”

So I loaded up my axe three flats and a D

I tapped out a shuffle, back beat on three.

Play Play Play you'r the greatest side man

Since Lord Jesus died with a robber and a fan.


Sold my Soul

Devil my Friend

For the Driving Sound

Of the Bottomless End


It ended one night in a Southern Town

Ten thousand Souls stood upon the ground

He got up late and he fiddled a tune

When he got down it was over too soon.

Jumping and Banging, it was heaven all around

Peace and grace - nowhere to be found.


Sold my Soul

Devil my Friend

For the Driving Sound

Of the Bottomless End


Bass Fiddle Solo


When the priests of the Lord came upon the scene,

There wasn't a sinner anywhere to be seen.

They had sold their souls for the driving sound

No way back when you've been underground.

Delivered by the Devil they were moshing in the Pit

Lordy Lordy Lordy No way of Stopping it


Sold my Soul

Devil my Friend

For the Driving Sound

Of the Bottomless End


Then the greatest Fiddler the world did ever know

Hung up his fiddle and gave me his bow

I've done my time, I saved the best.

You 'n Lord Jesus can have the rest.

Delivered by the Devil they were moshing in the Pit

Lordy Lordy Lordy No way of Stopping it


Sold my Soul

Devil my Friend

For the Driving Sound

Of the Bottomless End


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