Philip Copeman

Author and Activist

Golden Chariot

A Eulogy for Leonard Cohen

Philip Copeman

I rose in the moonlight, thunderous sound

The heavens opened, it rose off the ground.

The thong has broken

The Lord has spoken

Listen, listen. Keep your ear to the ground.

The Prophet is gone, for he had no choice

The singer must die, the lie in his voice

Ah Halleluyah

Praise Super Lun-yah

My Lord, my Lord, in your will we rejoice.

Departed sisters of mercy not gone

The music goes softly sweetly right on

It rings in my head

I jump from my bed

Makes living, makes loving, makes me switch on

Ride out proud on your golden chariot

My regards to Judas Iscariot

Now be on your way

Or didn't you say

My poet, my singer - a laureate


Oh, the sisters of mercy, they are not

departed or gone.
They were waiting for me when I thought that

I just can't go on
And they brought me their comfort and later

they brought me this song
Oh, I hope you run into them, you who've

been travelling so long

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