So Kurt Warner, Arizona Cardinals Quarterback thanks God for winning the NFC Championship game. “If you ever want to do a story about who I am, then God has got to be at the center of it.” Someone forgot to tell him that his Center is the guy snapping him the ball. In making this claim, Warner in turns his back on a time honored tradition of football that any winning quarterback first thanks the Defense for giving him the ball and then then thanks his Offensive line for creating the canvas on which he can dance.
Well Kurt let it be noted that it was you that brought God into this dirty game of football. Personally I think you and the old man are going to get your arses kicked this weekend. Normally I would be a supporter of Arizona, not only because the State produces some of the greatest scientists in paleoanthropology, but simply because I would support any team playing against the Steelers. However with your new theological dynamic of using intelligent design to plan your offense, you make atheists like myself rise to the cause of proving yet again that God simply isn't interested in Football. I only feel sorry for those intelligent people of Arizona with atheist leanings, who are left with the dichotomy of seeing the Lords work undone in their own back yard.
This blog however is not about football it is about raising the voices of Atheist around the world that allow people like Kurt Warner to parade their ill conceived ideology at our expense. Bertrand Russell said “There would be more atheists if men did not protect their incomes”. It is a shame on us that on our watch we have allowed the forces of Abraham to reassert themselves on the world. Through our own indifference or fear of conflict we have soiled the traditions begun by Galileo, Hume, Darwin, Mill and Einstein.
I am not suggesting that we invade a foreign country or blow up a hotel, but I am suggesting that we fight rigorously against any incursions on the secular State. For too long now we have allowed the Abramists free reign to spread their word unfettered. Somehow we have seen fit to allow “freedom of thinking” and not rigorously put forward out case. While the Abramists offer eternal salvation, we offer obscure, stifled debate. “While Good men remain silent, evil thrives” The resulting perversion of truth is now apparent for all to see.
Steelers by 15.