Philip Copeman

Author and Activist

January 2014 Blog Posts (6)

Dealing with Neo Luddite tendencies

Luddites were 19th century artisans who protested against machines taking over employment opportunities. This is not unsimilar to the conditions we find ourselves in today, where employment opportunities are disappearing even as growth continues. This leads to corporate consolidation and the Rollerball Economy is…


Added by Philip Copeman on January 27, 2014 at 10:30am — No Comments

Blaming Economists

Blaming economists for your personal financial predicament is like blaming physicists because you dropped a brick on your foot.

I recently dealt with an unemployed youth who's dispair causes him to blame economists for promoting capitalism. However it is mistaken thinking to believe that economists create the world we live in today. The world economy is created not by economists, not even by capitalists, but simply but the insatiable greed of consumers who seek better and cheaper…


Added by Philip Copeman on January 23, 2014 at 10:43am — No Comments

Blaming Economists

Blaming economists for your personal financial predicament is like blaming physicists because you dropped a brick on your foot.

I recently dealt with an unemployed youth who's dispair causes him to blame economists for promoting capitalism. However it is mistaken thinking to believe that economists create the world we live in today. The world economy is created not by economists, not even by capitalists, but simply but the insatiable greed of consumers who seek better and cheaper…


Added by Philip Copeman on January 23, 2014 at 10:43am — No Comments

Gated Communities

I often get criticized for supporting the concept of gated communities. The argument is that gated communities create social divisions. However, they undeniably create wealth. I recently got a a whole lot of "let them eat cake" comments when I advanced the need to promote gated communities to create property wealth.

Unless you follow my blogs and get into my writing, I come over initially as heartless and unsympathetic. As someone who favors neo capitalist solutions, I seek…


Added by Philip Copeman on January 22, 2014 at 9:35am — No Comments

Africa, The Cry of Youth

When thinking of a business or political strategy, the natural inclination is to use and modify campaigns that have already run in the rest of the world. Africa is different. It is difficult to comprehend just how young the population of Africa is, it is easier to think of Africa from the historical perspective of a disadvantaged begging bowl. Yet by shifting economic resources in favor of this demographic distribution lies one of the greatest opportunities…


Added by Philip Copeman on January 10, 2014 at 8:00am — No Comments

Why I destest the neo liberal position

The study of economics is how we allocate limited resources to satisfy unlimited wants.

Let me explain why I detest the neo liberal position:

In South Africa we have a bloated civil service. At 3.2 Million people, more work for the SA Government than the US Federal Government. We run a deficit of 25% of tax collection. Government workers are pandered by theft from the private sector and theft from the future. This is the inevitable course of classical (worker)…


Added by Philip Copeman on January 4, 2014 at 6:41pm — No Comments

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